Thursday, October 07, 2010

3 1/2 and 1/2

Time flies ....  Hailey is now 6 1/2 months old. She’s so cute in a very serious way. She has a very intense look but she also is very generous with her smiles and giggles. She’s been sitting up for a month now. She can reach for things and sit back up but is still not comfortable with going from sitting to rolling around. She can get to the four corners in a room in a short amount of time by rolling.

Vanessa and Hailey have started to wrestle in bed a little. Hailey loves it but Vanessa’s motto is Hailey’s not crying so it must be ok. They need to be watched closely when they’re together.

I took Hailey to the paediatrician the other week and she’s in good health and meeting her milestones easily but we have to bulk her up a little. She only but on 10oz in 2 months. She’s not putting on weight as she should so I’ve been generous with her food these last couple of weeks.

Speaking of solids. She started almost two weeks ago. At the beginning she wasn’t really buying it. She gave us looks of disgust like there was poison in her cereal.

IMG_1290 She has since changed her tune and this morning devoured her pearsauce and rice cereal. It’s such a relief and makes things easier. I’ve been wondering if she’s put on weight and will try and see about that next week.

Vanessa still has lots of fun things to say. The other day she went through a toy flyer.

Vanessa:Santa will bring that. Santa will bring that. Santa will bring that….etc

Me: Where will put it all?

Vanessa: Here. Here. Here. Here. Here.

Me: Where will we sit?

Vanessa: At “Jason and Fred’s house” (fake names")  And the dogs will go outside because Hailey is afraid of dogs. (Hailey eh?)

1 comment:

  1. Christina12:46 pm

    And that's an awsome shirt she's wearing Vanessa!
