Monday, March 01, 2010

on hold

The baby is coming! The baby is coming! In less than a month we'll be a family of four. Very exciting but terrifying. We've been working on the master bedroom/bathroom renovations for a while now by planning and gathering materials all while getting the baby's room together. On Thursday we decided to put the renovations on hold. There was just too much going on and we thought we'd work on smaller projects that can be accomplished in a day. This way we're not in mid renovation when the baby arrives. This week we're putting the finishing touches on the baby's room and moving the baby stuff in it.
The house has been a disaster area for a couple of weeks now. With our new focus, this week-end we put a dent on putting it in order. I'm looking forward to being able to invite people over and not look at mess all day. Soon all the stuff will go into the new nursery. I know I have most things the baby needs but it will be nice when I know where to find it.
Over the next couple of weeks I have a few doctor's appointments, my parents come home, Vanessa should have a birthday party and a 3 year check up. We've also planned to go to the cabane a sucre with Vanessa's school. Very busy but I'm happy about that since it creates lots of great naps for both of us.

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