Tuesday, October 20, 2009

I'm Pregnant!

This news is better late than never. I'm 18 weeks pregnant. I've put a counter on the right to keep you up to date. We're pretty excited about this news. We've been trying explain this to Vanessa but for now she's pretty clueless for now.
We think she'll make a fantastic big sister. She's very patient and good natured. She loves babies and often move things out of Kieran's way even when he's not here. :-) This little one is due 10 days after Vanessa' birthday. I hope they don't share a birthday but at 36 months I might take anything.
Today was my second doctor's appointment. Everything went well. We heard this sweet thing's heartbeat for the first time. The heartbeat was healthy and we're thrilled but I knew this baby's full of spunk since I've been feeling some action in my belly and this time around I've got cravings. Not for anything healthy of course.
In two weeks we go for an ultrasound where this time around we're going to try and find out the sex of our bundle.
That's all for now and I promise to be around a little more.

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