Saturday, September 20, 2008


Vanessa has started to use words. She hasn't figured out that words will get her things yet. She still points a lot. Here's a list of words that she has used. She has her cute version which I won't do justice.
dog (most popular)
two... three
glasses (eye wear)

The other day I was downstairs calling for her Daddy from the living room so Vanessa went to the bottom of the stairs and sang Da... Da.... Da... So very cute. Daddy definitely heard that and came down.
It's exciting to see her grow and learn new things. I got up her stacking cups and she sat down and played with them for about 15 minutes. She took them apart and put them back together twice. I beamed with pride as she played with such concentration and skill.

We found a new park that Vanessa and I love. It's in the middle of a neighbourhood so there are always kids there. We even saw some we knew! And then the daycare lets out. Oh my. They're between ages 3-4 and it seems like dozens of kids. Vanessa loves all the kids but she's small and can get lost in the shuffle. So far she's held her own but the kids have been good and they're well supervised. The first time she'd climb up the stairs in the pirate structure on her two feet since there are low handrails and get to the top and try to get into the tube slide. She couldn't figure out the logistics in all the excitement. You need to step up to get in but she was too tall to stand in it. I helped her out and she slid got to the bottom and ran off. Since I was still at the top trying to get the kids to move out of the stairs, she got a head start. She was cut off at the pass by a daycare worker. Boy was she quick. I know you're all thinking, "why didn't you go down the slide?" Didn't cross my mind. We went back to the same park a couple of days later and the park was quiet so she went to the slide and figured it out. She was ready when the kids came and didn't need my help at all. Soo bitter sweet.

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