Sunday, May 17, 2009

Busy Day

This morning Vanessa woke us up at a civilized 8:30 am. She called, "Where are you Mommy?". She hung out with us a little and then went downstairs to make pancakes with Daddy. Mmmm! After breakfast I wrote a menu for the week and a grocery list. 5 new recipes to try out.
Vanessa, Pamela and I went to the market with Jo-Anne to buy fruits and vegetables. It's still not very exciting this time of year but I bought 6 herb plants for the first time. I plan to plant them in a "window" box that Jo-Anne gave me off the balcony. It's easy to get to while I'm cooking. If It goes well, I'll expand. Come to think of it. It might be strange eating dinner right beside the very fragrant plants.
We headed to Costco next. Picked up a few more food items and garbage bags for the yard work. We treated Vanessa to her first Costco hot dog. That was a hit. She only got half a sausage cut lenghtwise but she didn't know I gypped her. I added catsup and mustard.
After picking up the window box, we came home and Vanessa went for a nap. She had a nice long nap while Pamela installed a recipe manager on my computer. In a couple of months, once my recipes are loaded in and I've got a hang of it. It should make my life easier. I'm wiling to try it out. I should inventory my kitchen. I'm hoping it will cut trips to the grocery store, shop in my pantry first and save money. It will also put all my favorites in the same place. Pamela and my mother have the same software so we can send the recipes back and forth.
I returned Chris' call and we chatted about everything and nothing. I called her back and invited them for dinner. I made a really exciting recipe to combat the boredom Chris was feeling. I whipped up Cornflake-Crusted Tilapia with Sweet and Spicy Watermelon Salsa . I would totally make this again. Very fresh tasting. The only change I would make is to cut the tilapia into smaller more manageable pieces. Chris brought a Banana Walnut Upside Down Cake which I had made for them but she had much better results with the topping. Delicious.
While I was out, getting groceries. Eric worked on a project that will clean up the front hall. I need all the help I can get! More on that later.

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