Don't worry everything is
ok. I didn't murder Eric in the bath and he's not
cleaning up blood. He doesn't have a new bathing ritual in cool-aid or a desire to set in Jello. While I was at Disney, I bought Eric a bath salt ball. It fizzed, smelled nice and made his skin soft which was great after you got over the rich red colour.

The time has arrived to start baby proofing our house. Vanessa crawls everywhere and is able to climb up to a stand. Soon enough she'll be cruising. (not like her grandparents) Last week-end we went to Protege
Enfant and bought this gate. It works really well for us so far. On the left of the gate there's a little door. It's quite sturdy and if we have a grown up party it comes off pretty easy. We also put one in front of the pantry. It's material and locks like a seat belt. Since there's not much room there we love it.

Check out the air guitar! Vanessa pulled down this inflatable guitar to play with. Maybe she'll have musical talent. She sure didn't get it from us though.

After Christmas we went to
SportExpert and bought a back pack for the
family. Everyone loves it. We went for a walk on Mount-Bruno around Lac
Seigneurial. It was a beautiful day. The temp was just under freezing. Vanessa bounces up and down when we put her in the pack. After about 30 minutes she was doing the I'm tired wine. 5 minutes of that and she was a sleep. She
slept so well that I
transferred her over to Eric without a peep.
Ohh.. I must mention that Vanessa has had her first takeout food. We ordered Benny BBQ. She had chicken and peas and a french
fry. She loves all types of food. Most meals she feeds herself. It's great for everyone. I'm running out of ideas to feed her. Any suggestions?
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