Sunday, August 05, 2007

Extra! Extra! Read all about it!

Vanessa is on the move. It's been about a week or so where Vanessa has been rolling from her back onto her side and she's quite comfortable there. Today while Eric and I were getting organized for the day. Eric put her down on her play mat and she was playing happily and then I noticed her on her side grasping for the mat and then the next thing we knew it she was on her stomach. Yippy! Eric was distracted so he didn't see the actual roll but the before and after positions. I have to put her on her tummy more often to see if she'll roll onto her back but for now I'm pleased as punch.
I picked up Christina and we went to Les Promenades. Vanessa was cranky so I changed her diaper, fed her a little and put her too sleep in the stroller. We went to lunch and she slept the whole time. It was so nice. We finally only bought stuff at Zellers. I bought a frying pan and Christina bought Vanessa a new outfit and some shoes for herself.
We went over to my parents and put Vanessa on the table and she demonstrated she could roll to her grandparents. She's such a show off. Christina was ready and caught it all on video.

Daddy had to work so he missed it all. :-( She was also in a good mood and blessed us with giggles. That always makes me smile.

I've got more to say but it will have to wait. My bed is calling

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