Monday, July 25, 2005

Chambly Canal.

I'd been looking forward to cycling the Chambly Canal since about Wednesday when we heard the forecast.
I think it was Thursday I saw Heidi online we chatted about our plans and she seemed psyched about our plans for the canal so I invited her for 9am Sat at our place.
We were a little late getting ready and she was early. I like early people. She has a beautiful mountain bike that goes small and we have new roof racks so we were able to go in one car. (still not ready to bike there too)
The weather was 27C with a nice breeze. Couldn't ask for better. The way there it wasn't too busy, very scenic and with the wind in our backs. We stopped for a pic-nic and rode back. That's when we noticed the breeze!!! Much harder work on the way back.
We saw all sorts of people. Roller bladder with a face full of zinc, family's out for a stroll, heavy duty riders and people pulling there dogs in trailers or sidecars.
We all had fun. I loved the fact that even if they were far ahead, they wouldn't be leaving the path so I could always find them.

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